September 23, 2011

Dress code

I have a tough time with the dress code at school.
Not in the typical way.
My skirts are the right length.
I don't wear makeup.
The only piercings I have are in my ears and I don't even use them.
And the most RADICAL thing I've ever done with my hair is wear it in a ponytail.
Crazy, right?

Even though I follow just about every rule, whenever I wear the wrong color socks or tights it's like "BAM!"

The teachers notice.

I saw this ad and was thoroughly confused. I am PRETTY SURE that fruit is a mango...
Which is indigenous to India...And not all that strange.


September 20, 2011

I miss doing vocabulary work in class.

Wow I am so busy it HURTS

Go ahead. Be a jerk. I dare you.
So what if my shirt is stained?
Maybe I like it that way.
What? You think I took this out of the hamper?
Want to bet?
Well I don't want to.

I made this for my sister's birthday. Since I like her sometimes.

September 12, 2011

September 1, 2011


I've never been good at baking. It is too exact. I'd rather throw a bunch of things in a pan and hope they somehow mesh and become sweet food-y harmony. I want some icing to hide these ugly cupcakes I made. There isn't any. Not even lemon. Grrrr.

I am scared to try one.

I hope they are cooked all the way through.

I may have removed them from the oven...


But do not worry.

I am a big girl.

And I can handle this precarious situation.

Since I am super cautious.

And brilliant.

I am going to go now.