May 31, 2011

Certain things get me super-duper excited.

and also :

I think I am a more attractive person when I am in a relationship.

I recently went through a pretty intense break-up after three years of together-ness.
I feel kind of naked now.
Aaaaaaand unhygenic.
I have concluded being in a relationship did a lot of good things for me.
I need to work on some of this stuff now...
The worst part is my complete lack of motivation in all things aestheticly pleasing. My appearance is deteriorating. I should probably be more concerned than I am.

Also, this here was my response one day when my sister's boyfriend pointed out I had food in my hair. AGAIN. I need to get more hair ties. I broke all mine because I am not nearly careful enough. Oh well.
And to cap it all off, a slightly offensive joke :D yay!

May 26, 2011

I did that thing where I make a paper better.

There was a piece of paper behind my desk in history with a couple unfinished doodles on it. I took it upon myself to finish the task. I even colored :D Unfortunately, the scanner does not show it well so it is not as fantastic as in real life, but still pretty gosh darn close.

If you are curious about what I changed/fixed and how it looked before, click the above picture and read it. Yep. I think the zombies are the most awesome part. I lament how I drew the female zombie's brain, though. It probably should have been exploding a bit more intensely.

I made this cat in class yesterday instead of starting my essay. Bad decision.
   /       .    .      \
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May 25, 2011

One... more... week...

All I need to survive, and school will be finished for a bit. I will not have a scanner though, so drawings might become significantly crappier. But I can deal.

This is the other side of my folder, decked with a manly butterfly.

This happens to me a lot.

May 24, 2011

The whole "59 posts" thing was bothering me.

-Dismal excuse for a post-

So I decided to make another. The number nine bothers me a lot. Anything that ends in nine, comes in a group of nine, has any association with the number whatsoever just irks me. It is so close... But not quite there. 
I drew some pokemon today for some reason.

I think the 2nd one is much better.

May 23, 2011

Stuff I made today in classes while I was not paying attention.

Both of these pictures are pretty pathetic. My drawings were on my lovely green binder and blue all-star folder in sharpie which happen to be slightly larger than the scanner is. But I think you'll get the idea. It will be fine, I promise.

That there dinosaur was inspired by Jay Gatsby. Yep. On the right it says "The world's most proper and fanciful dinosaur."

You'll probably have to click on that to read it. But I am going to type out what it says anyway because some of the words got cut off. Oops.

"If you don't do well in school you'll be homeless and hungry, living in a dumpster-an ugly one- sharing your meager meals with rats, wishing, "Hey. I wish I had tried harder on that Pre-Calc test," and crying yourself to sleep every night, contemplating suicide but with no way to do it, other than hoping you will choke to death on a chicken bone, forever dwelling on life's most dismal aspects, and every now and then an old friend might just pass that corner you're begging on and they'll say something like, "LOLZ, WAT A LOZER" and it will be really sad and you will look at them and stroke your bug-infested beard and whimper, "Hey, old buddy, can I please have a penny?" But he will pretend he didn't hear you and walk off while tears fill your crusty eyes. or you'll die."                                                                                                

May 21, 2011

I've been exhausted lately.

If raccoon eyes become a fashion trend, I'll be a hot commodity.

I was at the cheap drug store with mama and papa. There is a lot of stuff there at a good price if you don't mind lead being in everything. They had a ridiculous amount of wind chimes. I couldn't resist touching them.

Mom did not like my game though. She yelled at me for making noise.

We bought root beer in cool glass bottles and a bunch of cheap party favors. It made me feel ghetto in a good way.

May 18, 2011

Overheard conversation

Sister: "Why do you always say I abuse you then?"
Boyfriend: "Because I frickin' hate it when you tickle me until I almost pee. That is not fun to me."
Sister: "But I love it when you almost pee..."


I have two short stories. This is the first. My friend and I were sitting in the lounge at school where you are not allowed to have food. She had a burrito from Chipotle and was enjoying it vigorously. Then the school dean walked by. And this is what happened.

My mom, sister and boyfriend, and I went out to lunch at a Chinese buffet. I am not entirely sure what the deal here was, but it appeared said boyfriend had never been to a buffet. He wandered aimlessly around the bars, looking helpless, while we, finished making our own selections, ate. Finally, we concluded it was time to intervene. My sister explained to him where the plates were located and how to get the food.

What a silly-willy.

Dragons are cool.

I drew this in history class because I was not paying attention. I had other cooler things on my mind. Like death. And fire. And Runescape.

May 17, 2011


I just ate a pork bun because I was hungry. Now I am drinking water because my life is exciting.

I wonder what my teachers were like in school.

This is how I imagine my Pre-Calc teacher in college.
Maybe this is why he always wears long sleeves.

Pope. Cyclops. Eskimo. Cold guy.

The scanner was making really loud unearthly noises whilst I attempted to use it.
People were staring. I tried to calm it before I remembered it was an inanimate object.
Also my hair has been frazzled lately because of the rain. Ah, weather.

May 14, 2011

Random pictures of things.

This is pedobear's favorite book.

Quote mom: "This is the world's dooshiest shirt."
Unfortunately, I don't actually know how to spell that and cannot google it because I am at school.

While mushroom hunting with papa I found some deer bones. I had a better picture but I lost it on the interwebs. There were bones from two carcasses. Pretty sweet business.

Babies D:< SO. MANY. BABIES.

The sky over the lacrosses field. My sisters won their game 25 to 9.

Mama and i went out last night and picked up all the june bugs on our porch. They were writhing and squirming and being awesome. So I took a picture. The dogs wanted to eat them. I could tell.

This is a bird I drew in about 20 seconds.

On another note, my grandparents are crazy. They drove 45 minutes to the college campus for my sister's field hockey game... Which is tomorrow.

Sorry I am not funny right now. I am tired and do not feel like trying very hard.

May 10, 2011

When I am tired I suck at everything.

All I wanted was to make some macaroni. Nothing fancy.
It was late. I was hungry.
After retrieving the box from the nasty, haunted, downstairs pantry...
This is what I did ):


I am a cool kid so I turned my backpack into a dinosaur.

AND LOOK! It has babies O w O
the one is nomming on my TI-30x.

My dad is trying to lure me to Lacrosse Senior Night.
It almost worked. He mentioned there would be food.
But this is basically how I feel...

I am so unathletic compared to everyone else in my family.

May 9, 2011


I made a pretty picture during english. Here.

On another note, you know what pisses me off? When you're walking down a hallway or sidewalk or anything really, and someone is coming the other way and they CLEARLY see you. So what do you do? You smile. Duh. And they just look at the ground and pretend they do not see you. That makes me mad. Yeah.

Mothers' Day!

In honor of Mothers' Day (which was yesterday- whoops) I am going to write a list of things my mother taught me. Some made be inappropriate. Please read at your our discretion.

I know it looks word-y and that frightens some people. But I promise it is kind of worth reading...
On second thought, I'll add a few pictures.

1. How to be AHwesome with a capital AH.
2. It's ohkay to laugh at your own jokes.
3. Gay men are not devoid of genitalia.
4. You can easily fool people into thinking your intelligent if you have a big vocabulary.
5. Tomatoes are good for your prostate.

6. How to put holes in plastic things with a knife you've stuck in the fire.
7. How to make a rope out of straw wrappers.
8. I now know how to trick people into thinking I like them.
9. If you get a B- on that test, you'll end up homeless.
10. Sex before marriage = DOOM.
11. Drugs are for losers.
12. Tea cures everything.
13. Filipino cuisine pwns American food.
14. How to pee in a cup.
15. Dancing to grocery store music is awkward. But that makes it more fun.

16. Wanker is a NSFW password.
17. Minions rock.
18. Faith is an even better cure than tea is.
19. Long nails are magnets for crap.
20. Sometimes it's ohkay to be egotistical. Especially because I really am that cool.

I added random splotches of color. Hopefully it is decent now.

May 3, 2011

Goodness gravy

Three posts today because I forgot to put this up.

I doodled on this paper during class presentations. The only funny thing is the TI-Inspire joke. It's for nerds only, though.

A couple people laughed at the Methamphetamine (I spelled that without help from spell check. I deserve a reward.) picture. But most people do not think drugs are a laughing matter. I am one of them. Kind of.

The Hitler stache is kind of sexy. But that guy was an awful person.

In other news, Osama Bin Laden is dead. One thing to say on that matter-

"Why do you rejoice? For they were my people, too."

God said that about the death of the Pharaoh's army when the Red Sea swallowed them and the angels were rejoicing. Yeah, yeah. Osama killed people. Still.


Hrum nom nom...

I was thinking about things today.

Important things.

But they began to bore me so I started to think about my blog instead. I really don't know what I want to do with this. It's kind of depressing. I suppose at first I wanted to be obnoxiously funny, then when that didn't work I switched to posting my comics and drawing, and recently I have resorted to sharing boring tidbits from my life and blah blah blah.

I will do whatever I want.

And you can't stop me.

So here.

You're going to have to click it to see. 
This is the work of  a couple semi-friends and I.
We're in separate periods of history and we all drew on it.
Yep.  Vasu drew the original nice picture.
I added some stuff.
Ryan added some stuff.
Mike added some stuff.
Seeing a trend here...
Please do not judge me for the penis man. Not my work.    

I might have added this before. Whatever. Here it is again.
It depicts my sister in her emo phase.
Ignore the random box around the green guy.
Unintentional but I am too lazy to fix it.


I decided something.

I drew some serious stuff. Yeah. I know, what a wild change.

It's nothing fancy. Just some sketches I added to my poetry, which I blurred.
I am not nearly confident enough to share that.

Honestly though, the blurring of the words looks pretty cool. I am going to do something with it.

Most of the people I showed disliked these though. Apparently they are creepy.