April 16, 2011



So both these glasses of water came out of my water filter. The first time it was all murky and dangerous looking like something had decided to take a crap in my cup. The second time, it was slightly clearer but still icky. The morning after, I turned it on to get some water and it exploded. I was soaked.

That second picture is my sister's duck for biology. She has to make it imprint or some creepy thing like that. It has grown since that was taken and now it isn't nearly as cute. She's pretty awful at caring for it... The duck poops a lot and it's cage is nasty but sister will not clean it. Blegh.

I made this with a friend a while ago. The center part. The gummy worm joke is all mine. I will draw a better picture of it sometime but not in the near future.

And also, that new Rihanna song (S & M) is absolutely vile. My generation is retarded. I hope we don't all rot in hell.

Oh I made these.