March 24, 2012

Dumb stuff I made.

It's not allowed to be a thing because smiling doesn't TASTE good.
...But it sure feels good.
That should count for something.

Do/eat/feel/think the things you like to.
Remember moderation is important.
There's more than one reason for that.

I really don't have anything else to say.

March 7, 2012

Rule #1 of the Universe: Be attractive or no one will ever want to hold your hand.

"Sorry, you can't hang out with us. You're too...Different."

"...What's that supposed to mean?"

- Cough -

I'm not going to go home and cry now.
Not me...

March 6, 2012

The things I am thinking about

There's a nice poster :)
I really like this one.

Now if you don't feel like reading or don't care about my life you should close the page.

Things on my mind

1. The long story I'm writing.
Poem form.
Super cool.
I wish I could get it published.

2. Almost out of horseradish sauce so no more sandwiches for me.

3. Why won't anyone hire me?
I should probably finish my service hours first...

4. Am I eating too much citrus?
Why do oranges have to taste so good...

5. I don't blog about interesting things enough.

6. I wish I had a scanner at home.

7. Prom is going to suck.

8. Having trouble sleeping.

9. Where am I going to go to college?
I can't afford anything I actually want.


March 2, 2012

I'm not doing my homework HAHAHAHAHAHA

I should be doing something useful.
I spent the last half hour reading inappropriate web comics
about poop, coffee, and vomit.

I feel like I was too open.
People probably saw and wondered,
"Why does her screen say wiener clencher so big?"

Well I have news for you, buddy.
They will never know.

I made another poster thing.
I am disappointed with this one.
I will probably redo it sometime.