June 22, 2011

Why I shave

1. So the girls I know won't tease me.
2. So boys won't mistake me for a bear.
(Of course, the fact that it is me and not some wild, savage, man-eating animal might be more incentive to skedaddle.)

I suspect I ate a pretty big amount of worms on the greens I made tonight. I found an inch worm and caterpillar on one leaf. I pushed it aside and kept eating.

June 21, 2011

Oh little buggy.

I find out I killed really cool bugs a lot. It makes me pretty sad... Bugs such as this little guy.

I couldn't fix it. When I closed the garage he was in the crevice .___. I needed a screwdriver and I do not like to go out there in the open.

This here frozen treat is a Dilly Bar from Dairy Queen. My dad fondly calls them "breasts on a stick". I always feel kind of sick when I eat one now.
I have this robe I use sometimes. I like it a lot because it makes me feel like a ninja. When I am alone I do karate chops, pretend I know martial arts and watch my sick moves in the mirror.

My other robe looks like this:

I was too lazy to draw it. Well... That's really all I have to say.

June 18, 2011


I took pictures of some pictures. If you can't read them, suck it up and deal with it!
Ignore that. It no longer applies. I scanned them :]

June 17, 2011


I made some silly little doodles on paint. Wanna see? Hot dog, I bet you do!

June 14, 2011

At the grocery

Brie and I felt like getting out of the house yesterday after dinner. We needed some sort of activity to do in the fading light of 8 o'clock. We decided to go to the store, and try to look as inconspicuous as possible while wearing our bathing suits over our clothes. I had trouble keeping a straight face. It was kind of disappointing. barely anyone stared. The world is too gosh-darn polite.

Also, I am deliriously happy with the way this drawing turned out.

Ain't dat da truth?

Made some black and white stuff

Mostly I was just too lazy to  color it in.

I made this sign when people were kicking holes in the walls in the lounge at school. Nobody thought it was funny. It just got a whole bunch of phallic images drawn all over and then torn down. Teenagers are so dumb. Why can't they appreciate my humor?

Lastly, mom was getting frustrated because she could not get the elevator buttons to work at the hospital...she was pressing the black part.

June 9, 2011

Too much going on right now.

Preparing for sister's graduation party... funerals... commencement... BAH! So much to be done and to deal with. I needed to relax so I drew these.
I saw this fabulously bearded obese man in this shirt at Krogers. it gave me the giggles. Oh, Dumbledore. You'll never blend in with the muggles.
I was driving with mom and we were at a stop sign. Oh, hi random boy I don't know?


June 6, 2011

I was just driving...

...along, minding my own business, when out of nowhere a cabbage butterfly came fluttering toward my windshield. I was going 45 mph, so what happened next was inevitable. I am still feeling pretty awful about it, anyway.

i will finish this later but i am too lazy right now

I changed my mind. This post is finished.

This is a runescape joke. You might not get it.