Merry Christmas everyone! Jesus was born today. This is how it happened.
God sent an angel and told Mary (she's a virgin) and Joseph they were going to have a baby.
King Herod is all, "Go back to the land of your fathers'! Census time!" Mary is pregnant.
Boo ): No room at the inn. Joseph is like, "Fer realz?" Mary is ready to pop Jesus out.
God sends angels to tell the shepherds about Jesus, and the wise men seek the king of kings by following a star.
Joseph and Mary find room in a stable and put Jesus in a manger. The wise men bring him gifts, and the shepherds say hi. Hosts of angels sing overhead.
Jesus then grows up, and saves everyone :)
EDIT: This is not meant to be sacrilegious.
EDIT: This is not meant to be sacrilegious.